Response to Statement of Reasons
Attorney for Security Clearance
A Statement of Reasons is a response from a government agency informing a person that they will not be receiving security clearance. Simply put, the Statement of Reasons will provide information about why the person was not granted security clearance. Reasons for denial will vary depending upon each person’s specific circumstances, but may involve such things as family in a foreign country, a criminal record, or past contact with illegal controlled substances. If you do not take the proper action in a prompt manner, you will be likely to lose your security clearance, and with it your job, and eligibility for future employment in a similar field.
After being denied security clearance, you will have the opportunity to present your case during a security clearance hearing, which will be presided over by an Administrative Judge. You must demand the hearing within 15 days of receiving the Statement of Reasons, otherwise you will lose your right to this hearing. It will be extremely helpful for you to hire an attorney to handle this aspect of your case. Your lawyer will use their legal knowledge and experience to prepare a response to the Statement of Reasons, which is an integral part of proving your case to the judge. If your attorney can come up with a good response to the reasons why you were denied security clearance, there is a much better chance that the Administrative Judge will understand your side of the case and will reverse the original decision and grant you security clearance.
Contact a Security Clearance Attorney at Claery & Hammond, LLP today if you would like assistance preparing a response to a Statement of Reasons!